Welcome to Our Online Shilajit Store

Shilajit, otherwise called “mineral pitch,” is a thick, tacky tar-like substance with a variety going from white to dull brown. It is composed of humus and organic plant materials that have been compressed by rock layers over thousands of years. Rich in fulvic acid and over 85 essential minerals, Shilajit is a powerful adaptogen that…

Shilajit in the US: Exploring Top Brands and Their Benefits

Shilajit is a tacky, tar-like substance that slimes from rocks in precipitous districts. It structures over hundreds of years from the sluggish deterioration of plants by microorganisms. The composition of Shilajit can vary widely depending on its source, but it typically contains humic substances, fulvic acid, minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, and magnesium, as well…